
Vivichan "Road to World Uniform" #10

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至12/3/2023 (Sun) 23:59 JST)

With outstanding guitar techniques and soothing soft vocals, 20 years old singer VTuber and Vivienne Kensington will hold her 10th one-man concert online, aiming for the world's "uniform".

Two types of tickets will be sold: a "special viewing ticket" with Vivienne Kensington's special acrylic keychain and 2024 calendar, and a "viewing only ticket" with delivery viewing only.

< View Archive >
Period: Until Sunday, December 3, 2023
Ticket purchasers can watch as much as they like for 2 weeks after distribution!

■Distribution ticket with benefits ¥2,300 ( Including shipping )
We will send you a Vivian Kensington special acrylic key chain and a 2024 calendar (A4) around late-December.
*The mailing address is limited to Japan.
*We will ship sequentially around late-December 2023.
*Please note that if you do not fill in the delivery address, it will be invalid and we will not refund.

■"Tickets for distribution only" ¥1,300 is also on sale.

*Please see here for details on how to purchase and watch.


Vivichan "Road to World Uniform" #10 附特典 2,300 日圓含稅