Comments (25)

Have a great night, see you again
Luckily with Twitcast all I needed was to sign in with X, but with Line it was just impossible to recover.
I couldn't think of anything clever so t0rnate0 just kinda worked.
Don't let it explode lol
Twitcast could be hard on the battery.
I'm playing League of Legends with a few of my friends
I haven't stayed in touch with anyone from before.
I kind of remember them both, but it's been a long time lol.
Yeah I bet you can, I am pretty sure I am following you on X still.
I changed Line so I would have to add you again. I lost the device it was on, and it was before I added my gmail so I couldn't recover it
It's nice to talk to you again after so long, we should keep in touch more.
but im so unlucky, i gotta go to a supermarket right now
uhh, not much has changed for me, but I am still here so I guess that's a plus.
That's good to hear.
Don't push yourself too hard.